Sunday 20 May 2007

"Panda Sneeze 3"

Look at the expression on Big Panda's face when this most vigorous of sneezes occurs!!

Courtesy PandasVideos

Dunno what happened to sneezes 1 and 2 ..?!?

Can you believe it?!? Only 21 views as of Monday 21 May 2007 18:08 hrs BST!!


rowan said...

MY GOD!!! Is that really a sneeze? I watched it like seven times and became convinced it was gasping at the little tiny panda underneath it. And that tiny panda.. Wow,. it looks like a baby puppy-guinea pig or something. And the panda.. it looks like a big stuffed animal. If I were in the cage and I touched it would it try and harm me or are they friendly? I mean I know they are vegetarians but what it would be like to pet one.. I hear of movie stars owning tigers, what about pandas? i guess they are on the endagered species list though arent they. So cute!

Gledwood said...

They don't eat people. They only eat bamboo!

Notice how slow-witted they are - the curious glance down. Most even semiwild animals would jump outta their skin if something like that happened!!

rowan said...

I KNOW they dont eat people- thus the phrase "they are vegetarians." I just wonder what would happen if a human went inside their territory. Do they fight at all? I mean how come they dont get attacked in the wild?

rowan said...

Aha! I was right. Pandas will attack a man if they get to close to the cage.

When you get to the video, just type in "panda attacks" in the search engine.

rowan said...

Here is the end of the address you type into your browser:

rowan said...


Gledwood said...

"thus the phrase 'they are vegitarians'" - duh! sorry you fell victim to my famously bad attention span there ...

Nicole said...

Cuuuuuuuute! I'm catching up a bit on this blog during my lunch break.

Yvonne said...

That was cute! The mum even had a shock haha~

Gonçalo Veiga said...
