Thursday 1 May 2008

Randy Pausch: Last Lecture

Sufferer of terminal pancreatic cancer, this guy, a professor at an American university, gave a true Last Lecture in line with a famous academic lecture series:~

Here he is interviewed by a Diane Sawyer. Famous on American TV, yet far, far poorer than Oprah (how can she look herself in the MIRROR each morning?!? How does she survive on only $10 million a year? That's a question for HER to answer, only she just likes giving questions OUT~ haha! Yes! Diane Sawyer, the same lady who did my Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown interview last year... !!


Anonymous said...

Give Randy Pausch a Virtual Visit since we all can't fit in his living room, and he's given us so much of himself.

Date and Time: Monday, May 5; 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight Time (Virginia, USA). Spread this around; blog it, text it, translate it (here are some international time guides: Melbourne- Mon 2:00 AM; Mexico City- Sun 11:00 AM; Paris- Sun 6:00 PM; Johannesburg- Sun 6:00 PM; Beijing- Midnight Sun-Mon; London- Sun 5:00 PM).

So no matter where you are, as close as you can to 12 noon EDT, sing, hum or just think it:

"Sing" (Sing A Song)- from Sesame Street (written by Joe Raposo)

Sing, Sing a song.
Sing out loud, Sing out strong.
Sing of good things, not bad.
Sing of happy, not sad.
Sing, Sing a song.
Make it simple, To last your whole life long.
Don't worry that it's not good enough, For anyone else to hear.
Sing, Sing a song. (I had to think of an upbeat, generic song!!)

We can do it and he deserves it: Knowing just when we're all thinking of him.

Dice Mardell said...

OH MY GOD...this man is the most inspirational person in my life (and I'm 51). Talk about positive...
I watched the whole lecture on my computer (I was the 6 MILLION, 5 HUNDRED 52nd, 1 HUNDRED and 12th viewer of it)

...and if it wasn't for YOU commenting on my sister's blog, I never would have discovered YOU. I have had two very positive experiences so far.
